تأليفاتفصلنامه علمی-پژوهشی نقش جهانمجلاتمقالات

فصلنامه علمی-پژوهشی نقش جهان شماره ۲۰

فصلنامه علمی-پژوهشی نقش جهان شماره ۲۰  ۱۳۹۶

فهرست مقالات در فصلنامه علمی-پژوهشی نقش جهان شماره ۲۰


حمیدرضا عظمتی، سمیه پورباقر | Improvement of Students’ Satisfaction with Physical Factors in Educational Environments based on the Concepts of Quran Verses and Jurisprudential Narratives
رضا جعفری ها، مجتبی انصاری، محمد رضا بمانیان | Landscape Perception Indicators Based on Islamic Aesthetics
اسماعیل ضرغامی، درسا فتوره چی | Architectural impacts of traditional houses as a Iranian-Islamic Cultural Identity on Iranians Mental health Outcomes
مهدی حقیقت بین، نگین سادات مقدسی | Comparative Study of architecture and landscape technologies in Charbagh Street in Safavid Era and Champs/Elysess Axiss
سیدعلی صفوی | Iranian Islamic culture, an opportunity to promote quality of urban design projects’ implementation (with emphasis on the role of UDM in Iran )
مهدی مشهدی ابوالقاسم شیرازی، محمدرضا لیلیان | Investigating the interactions of Islamic teachings affecting airport design
بررسی نقش فضاهای مربوط به مراسم های مذهبی در شهر اسلامی با تاکید بر اجرای مراسم محرم (نمونه موردی : تیمچه مظفریه تبریز) | الهام کاظمی، محمد امین خجسته قمری، رسول درس خوان، پروانه صالحی

The physical conditions of the environment greatly affect the efficiency and effectiveness of individual and group learning. On the other hand, it is important to recognize the physical and mental needs of students based on the achievements of humanities and education in order to fit the educational spaces and coordinate the architecture of the space with their needs.
The importance of aesthetics in perceiving urban landscape seems to be essential. Usually, the subject of aesthetics holds a position in ideas and viewpoints of philosophers. In Islamic perspective all the creatures are beautiful due to their connection to the creator of all the beauties. In this research, the subjects such as landscape perception, landscape aesthetics, perception in viewpoints of Iranian Islamic philosophers, and aesthetics in both Holly Quran and ideas of Iranian Islamic philosophers are surveyed and analyzed.
Introduction: Nowadays, mental health of people has become a complex issue. So that the world health organization has proposed different solutions for health improvements. There has been an increase in mental disorders and depression in different communities and the importance of mental health has been neglected in many cases. It has been stated that social structure and culture play a fundamental role in the formation of some diseases such as depression and stress disorders.

ادامه مطلب
نشریه پژوهش در مهندسی عمران و معماری ایران 6

چکیده مقاله ۴ فصلنامه علمی-پژوهشی نقش جهان شماره ۲۰

مهدی حقیقت بین، نگین سادات مقدسی | Comparative Study of architecture and landscape technologies in Charbagh Street in Safavid Era and Champs/Elysess Axiss

Iran has an arid climate which characterized by long, hot, dry summers and short, cool winters. Therefore, sunlight and its heating effects were important factors of Iranian architecture and gardens structural design. Textures and shapes were selected by architects to harness the light and supply a shadow in the summer.

دریافت کامل مقاله

Iranian Islamic culture can be appointed as an opportunity to promote urban design projects’ quality of implementation. Every community’s cultural brief can be traced in its economical, social structure. Theoretical and practical principals of Islam religion in compound with cultural conditions could lead to some executive policies in different important arena such as economical, political and social. These can promote each countries development in different aspects
Designed according to the principles of the Iranian Islamic architecture in the world do not have many samples. Western culture influenced modern architecture and has little respect to the culture and customs of Iranians. Be careful in places design like airports is very important in a place that a large number of passengers every day.

شهر بر پایه جهان بینی ساخته می شود و عالی ترین نمود اشغال و تصرف فضا بر مبنای عقیده و ارزش های اسلامی می باشد. مطالعات نشان می دهد که آیین های جمعی همواره در پیوند با شهر و فضاهای آن قرار داشته اند. در مقاله حاضر سعی گردیده است ضمن تعریف شهر اسلامی و نیازهای آن، نقش فضاهای مربوط به مراسمهای مذهبی در شهر اسلامی با بررسی نمونه موردی برگزاری مراسم ایام محرم در تیمچه مظفریه بازار تبریز بررسی گردد.

دریافت کامل مقاله

ادامه مطلب
فصلنامه علمی-پژوهشی مطالعات شهر ایرانی شماره 34

منبع: فصلنامه علمی-پژوهشی نقش جهان

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